Ad­Block & Altern­ative Web Brow­sers

Firefox Web­browser:

Just download 'AdBlock Plus' and the 'Filterset G. Updater' plugin. An even better ad-blocker is uBlock origin which does not let itself pay for not filtering certain ads.

If the 'Filterset G. Updater' plugin should not work as expected just download the filterset list from below. Then go to Extras → Add-ons → Adblock Plus 1.1 → Settings → Filter → Import Filter...; choose the downloaded filterset file, done!

about the security of Firefox: rss message

Midori Web­browser:

Instead of changing ~/.config/midori/config you can enable the adblock plugin also via settings→extensions→AdBlock. Elder versions of midori had a different adblocker and this could be set via the ~/.local/share/midori/filters/ folder.

mkdir -p ~/.config/midori/extensions/ cp 2009-10-10b-MERGED-2021-2add.txt ~/.config/midori/extensions/ echo "[settings]" >~/.config/midori/extensions/ echo "filters=2009-10-10b-MERGED-2021-2add.txt" >>~/.config/midori/extensions/ cat ~/.config/midori/config [settings] location-entry-search= [extensions]

Konqueror Web­browser:

You may use the same filterset lists for Konqueror as you use them for Firefox but you will have to download the filterset lists on your own. Unfortunately the formerly very popular Filterset G. Adblocks are no more available under Your best choice may be the filterset list from elstel which includes the Filterset G..

If you have downloaded the filterset from below go to Settings → Configure Konqueror → AdBlock, and chose ‘Enable filters’ and ‘Hide filtered images’ and then import the downloaded filterset list.

Surf Web­browser (no adblock):

To our knowledge the browser has no adblock. It is the most light weight alternative of all these browsers and will be invoked from a console with the desired url. It performs file downloads with curl which requires an executable file /usr/local/bin/st to be created (chmod +x /usr/local/bin/st):

#!/bin/sh #echo "st $@" >>/var/log/st.log shift exec "$@"

other light weight Linux browsers

Well known text mode browsers are lynx, w3m, elinks and linkx which do however not support Javascript. Graphical very light weight browsers are surf and netsurf. The dillo browser is the only graphical browser here that goes without Javascript and should thus be most secure. However it doesn´t support CSS3 either and thus can neither provide a nice viewing experience with rounded edges. When you click on the previous and next buttons at the rss viewer of you need to click on the link text and not just on the button. Dillo implements this wrongly; it furthermore does not know float layouts. Fully featured light weight webkit desktop browsers are midori and epiphany with epiphany being more elaborate. It allows embedded pdf viewing, saving pages as files, viewing and managing stored passwords. Both browsers should allow proxy configuration via gnome-control-center or environment variables like http_proxy=http://proxy:port. A light weight browsers we could not test is qutebrowser (python3, webkit):

pip install qutebrowser pip install PyQtWebEngine pip install qt-widgets #pip show -f qutebrowser # shows files in pip package ln -s ~/.local/bin/qutebrowser ~/bin/ #pip_search qt-widgets # search for packages if name should have changed, pip install pip_search

AdBlock List for Midori, Konqueror & Firefox  –  based on Filterset G.
same adblock list, extended manually  –  from 2021-10-24
same adblock list, extended manually  –  from 2021-11-04